In Love with the Kids, Accra, March 11

This morning, the young teachers from England, who are staying at the hostel with me, took me to their school in our neighborhood. Wednesday is prayer day and for that occasion, they drum, sing and, you have! My kind of church! Within minutes, I was dancing surrounded by children and my heart went bonkers. I haven`t danced for months and had been waiting for that time. I feel so happy. The young kids, the girls especially (8-12) were all over me, even pulling the hair in my armpits! The sight of an Obruni (white man) who could dance was a treat to them. The joy in these kids was outstanding, and the music, played by excellent musicians, was just what my soul was longing for (see slide show).
Yesterday, I returned to the University of Ghana, where my friend Daniel had told me musicians and dancers hangout under a large Baobab tree. And they were there indeed, so I asked for Selasi, whom Daniel studied with, and one of his dancer friends went to get him at the rehearsal hall. We spoke for nearly two hours, joined by two other musicians. I told them my story, the visions and my desire to seek healing in the village dances. They have agreed to take me to their village shrine in a couple weeks. Franklin, the other young man I met with Hammond also agreed to take me to his village in the Volta region near Togo.
The Ancestors are finally smiling upon me and opening new pathways for my journey. I am so happy to be here and love the people so much. I need to learn about kindness and the people here are it!

1 comment:

karim said...

Dear Uncle Poki,

Tell all the little children that they have a 1/2 Obruni friend in America! I will start running around barefoot to get my feet ready for my visit to Ghana.
I love you,